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Recent Transactions

  • Audrey Chisholm

    $102.50 / 58 days ago

  • Laura Jeffries

    $20.50 / 75 days ago

    Thanks for helping these vulnerable little neighbourhood buddies!! Thank you Audrey for always raising awareness, and helping others with your huge heart! The world is a better place because you were born :) Love you!! xoxoxo

  • Geraldine Schaffer

    $102.50 / 75 days ago

    Pets are innocent and they deserve to be protected and treated like family - they need us to help and support them 🐾❤️🐾

  • Debra Lingard

    $51.25 / 75 days ago

    This is such a great organization to support, and I admire what a huge heart Audrey has for choosing them. Love is ❤️

  • Breana Sorenson

    $51.25 / 80 days ago