Frida needs surgery to address rare life-threatening complications from a spay! 
  • $166


  • $500


  • 4


  • 292

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Carmen Tetz

    $100.00 / 32 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $25.63 / 32 days ago

  • Cheryl Peterson

    $20.50 / 32 days ago

    Please find it in your heart to donate anything you possibly can. Frida and Pedro have formed a bond and only have each other. If you can't donate please share to others.

  • Brenda Clarke

    $20.50 / 35 days ago

About Frida Urgent Care

When Pedro discovered a bloody discharge coming from his dear 2-year-old dog, Frida, he rushed to the vet. There, an ultrasound that Pedro paid for with the help of a few friends showed Frida is suffering from complications from a spay surgery that was done before Pedro adopted her. Though serious complications from a spay surgery are rare and are far outweighed by the risk of pyometra in unspayed animals, there is a risk to any major procedure. Frida will need urgent surgery to stop the bleeding and save her life. 

Having recently immigrated to Canada, Pedro has only been able to find work for a minimum wage and is doing his best to get by. He has done everything he can to find help for his friend, but has spent all he can spare on Frida’s initial testing.  

Reeling from the loss of a few close relatives while finding his footing in a new country, Pedro adopted Frida and didn’t feel alone anymore. “She’s been my main source of happiness,” Pedro told the VHS. Losing Frida would be a devastating blow. 

With surgery, Frida and Pedro will have many more happy years of companionship together. 

Can you donate today to ensure Frida’s safe return home?