Bring Poe home for the holidays!
  • $153


  • $400


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  • 294

    Days Remaining

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  • Donna Langille

    $153.75 / 78 days ago

    I cannot imagine my life without my precious.Most of us don't need extra gifts.I would ask you to give up one gift and give what you can.You will feel so good.Bless you all.🙏💕❣️

About Poe

Sweet Poe has been hospitalized due to a urinary stone and needs urgent surgery to save his life.  

Back in August, Poe was having trouble urinating and had become lethargic. An X-ray at the time revealed a small urinary stone. Due to the stone’s small size, his guardian, Marilyn was advised to change Poe’s diet and monitor his behaviour. After a couple of weeks, Poe was back to his normal self, eating, drinking, and urinating as usual. Marilyn was elated that Poe had gotten better and continued to feed him a special diet.  

However, Poe's symptoms recently returned, prompting Marilyn to rush Poe back to the vet where a new X-ray revealed that the stone had grown significantly in size. Poe needs immediate surgery to remove the urinary stone in order to prevent a life-threatening urinary blockage.

Marilyn does everything she can to ensure both her cats live a good life, including setting aside money for emergencies. Between the multiple vet visits, X-rays, and special food, Marilyn has depleted her funds and is unable to afford the full amount of the costly surgery. That is why she has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for support.  

Can you donate today to help Poe get the surgery he needs to come back home to his cat brother, Vader, and their loving guardian Marilyn?