Thelma needs urgent medical attention!
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About Thelma

Sweet 5-month-old Thelma is facing a life-threatening situation after accidentally ingesting Easter lilies from a bouquet that was gifted to her guardian, Melissa. Melissa unknowingly displayed the bouquet in her living room and Thelma, innocently exploring the new addition, ingested parts of the petals and pollen of an Easter lily. 

When Thelma began to show signs of discomfort and then threw up, Melissa rushed her to the vet where initial testing determined that Thelma has ingested a toxic substance and needs treatment to cleanse her kidneys and liver. 

Melissa is a hardworking single mother of two on minimum wage, who struggles to make ends meet for her family. She is now facing an overwhelming financial burden to cover the mounting veterinary bills and has reached out to the Vancouver Humane Society for support. 

Can you donate today to help Thelma get the care she needs to get back home to Melissa, her human siblings, and her cat sister Louise?